Friday, May 21, 2010

I can stand!

Hey Mommy, Owen is alseep...does that mean his cars are fair game??

Aw yeah, I'm standing and I get to play with Owen's cars!

yeah, I like this one....

but this green one is nice too..
Owen will never's our little secret, right mom?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Das es nix

When Owen is misbehaving Pop pop will often tell him, "Owen, das es nix" ("that is a no" in German) This has become Owen's new favorite phrase. He'll often come up to us with one finger waving and say "das es nix." And today he decided to make a new single of it!

This one's for you Pop pop!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

PA in May!

There is nothing nicer than Pennsylvania in May. Everything is in bloom-it's a great time to visit. Especially because some of our favorite people are there. This trip we decided it was time to make a visit to the Philadelphia Zoo. It was a great day!

Going for a pony ride. We couldn't believe that he actually went through with it.

Driving the giant tractor in the petting zoo.

The Lego polar bear. Over 300 lbs!

Owen & Brody and "Daddy Lion"

Our only view of the Rhino! Owen waited all day to see this!

Bye, bye Philly Zoo...

A morning at the playground.

An Allentown dance party.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


After a day of absolutely no sharing with Charlie, this morning I walked into the kitchen to find these scene....Owen piling all of his toys onto Charlie as he is in his bouncer. When asked what he was doing...."Charlie play Owen toys.." was the answer.
It's going to be a good day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Dinner Chat and "Boys will be Boys!"

So, once in a while, Owen will get really excited about what he is trying to say. And at this point, he really wants to be able to speak fluently, but finds himself lacking some of the necessary words to do so. He accomplishes his goal by just throwing in random words or babble to fill in the gaps. It can be quite funny. In this example, we figured out that he started by just naming things in the room. Then off he went-and he always ends up cracking himself up.

Boys will be boys, right? Today Owen amused himself by making farting noises on Charlie. Owen calls this "playing games." Most people might refer to it as raspberries, but whatever you call it, Sessler boys love it! We all know bellies are the best bet for a good raspberry, but here Owen goes out on a limb and gives Charlie's face and head a try. Not quite as rewarding. This is what big brothers can do when their little brothers can't retaliate yet!