Halloween 2010 started with pumpkin carving. With Daddy's design and Mommy's carving skills, we created some pretty good jack o' lanterns!

After naptime Owen and Charlie opened a special Halloween surprise from Nana and Pop pop. Some special treats to have for snack. Very creative Nana & Pop pop!

Then it was off to our friends' house to trick or treat with the gang. BB & Grandpa were here visiting, so they joined us. We let them come even though they didn't have a costume. ;-)

BB & Charlie the bear.

Owen lining up cars in his puppy costume.

Our annual attempt at a group photo. I wasn't able to catch all of these little buggers at the same time!

Missing Levi, Caleb, & Hailey....but these are the kiddos.

And they're off...

Charlie opted to ride in style.

All lined up, waiting for candy. So cute.

Time to go home. What a fun night!